Fuel prices have been hitting record highs on a regular basis over recent weeks and months and as a result drivers are looking to save money anyway they can. The latest data from the RAC Fuel Watch shows the average price of petrol to be 187.01p - that's nearly a 2p jump from Sunday.

Diesel prices are also on the up, drivers now pay on average 193.30p per litre and prices for all types of fuel “likely to rise”. Diesel has gone up by 3p since Sunday and that is a 60p increase from this time last year.

As a result of the prices constantly going up experts are now warning that is piling yet more pressure on the UK economy. However drivers could save themselves hundreds of pounds each year just by using a few tips when at the pump, reports theExpress.

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In the past drivers have been encouraged to get their fuel from supermarket forecourts instead of branded garages and that fact remains. It has been estimated that by doing that motorists could save £74.10 per year.

A spokesperson for Peter Vardy squashed the rumours about the quality of the fuel at a supermarket garage. They said: “It’s rumoured that supermarket fuel is of a ‘lower quality’ and not the same as you would buy from a branded garage, but that’s not the reality.

“Supermarkets sell such vast quantities that operating costs are spread over higher volumes, making it cheaper to buy from than a branded forecourt.”

You can also save hundreds by not using premium fuels if you just have a standard car.

Some retailers claim that the premium fuel offers some performance and economy advantages and in some they claim it even protects the engine. However, the reality is that unless you are driving a performance vehicle it is unlikely you will see any improvement.

As a rule, premium fuel is around 10p more expensive per litre compared to the standard fuel. The RAC Fuel Watch shows that the average UK price for super unleaded E5 petrol now sits at 198.63p.

That is over 11p dearer than standard unleaded petrol and even 5p more expensive than diesel. Most supermarkets and branded garages will usually have different grades of premium petrol and diesel on offer.

Previously the RAC have called on UK supermarkets such as Tesco and Asda to pass on cost savings to drivers when they can be made. Drivers are also advised to use the right engine oil to improve efficiency.

The modern engines are built with finer tolerances and as a result need thinner oils. As those with lower viscosity they can improve fuel economy by around 3%.

Going on a 50-mile-journey drivers could save 25p in a normal diesel car. Also based on pre-pandemic levels the average UK mileage was at 7,090 miles per year meaning drivers could save over £30 just by making a simple change.

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