Two conspiracy theoristscalled for MPs to be hangedand described themselves as "Bonny and Clyde with a box of matches" as they plotted to burn down 5G masts, a court has heard.

Darren Reynolds, 60, and Christine Grayson, 59, advocated for violence used against people they called "traitors" and approved the murders of MPs Jo Cox and David Ames, prosecutor Tom Storey toldLeeds Crown Courton Monday.

The pair are standing trial accused of a number of offences under the terrorism act. Both are charged with encouraging terrorism and conspiracy to cause criminal damage. Reynolds, of Newbold Crescent in Sheffield, is also charged with disseminating terrorist publications and possessing documents containing information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.

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Opening the case to jurors, Mr Storey said the pair had been communicating between themselves and with others on social media site Telegram. It was said Reynolds was the admin of a number of channels under the names The Scum, We The People and Practical Lawful Dissent UK, Canada, South Africa and Commonwealth.

Thecourtheard he was also the owner and creator of Telegram groups named Constitutional Common Law England and Smart Meter Exchange, which is was said was used to advise people to bypass electricity meters. Mr Storey said Reynolds used Telegram to share extreme right-wing, antisemitic and racist views.

The prosecutor said: "Darren Peter Reynolds went further in that he repeatedly professed what amounted to extreme right-wing views...views which might properly be termed neo-Nazi in nature."

The court heard Reynolds also shared links to literature about terrorism. Mr Storey said: "The prosecution say in publishing these links, Reynolds provided a service to others which enabled them to access these documents, and that he either intended or was reckless as to whether an effect of his conduct would be to encourage or induce the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism, or to provide assistance in committing or preparing acts of terrorism."

It was said both Reynolds and Grayson, a former business owner, spoke on the platform of the need to arm themselves in a fight against "the enemy" and of their want to dispose of 5G masts. Jurors were told that among the references to destroying the masts was one from July 29 2021, when Reynolds told another Telegram user: “Solution: burn the f***** down, they’re mostly in highly populated areas, so getting to them is no biggy.”

Leeds Combined Courts, Leeds Crown Court
Leeds Combined Courts, Leeds Crown Court

Grayson, of Boothwood Road in York, said she needed a “sabotage team” to “get rid of these 5G bloody near me” in a Telegram exchange on August 7 2021. On May 13, 2022, it was said there was exchange between the defendants where Reynolds said: "Let's go burn stuff," to which Grayson replied: "Let's do it I'm serious." Reynolds then said that they could be the "first male female arson team" and Grayson responded: "Bonny and Clyde with a box of matches." She later wrote: "Think we need a group for fire balling 5G."

Jurors were told the defendants openly discussed the use of violence against those who they labelled “traitors”, particularly Members of Parliament. On June 29 2021, Reynolds posted: “Storm parliament and the Lords, drag them all outside and hang them all on the spot for treason, sedition insurgency, attempted genocide and crimes against the peoples of Great Britain,” the court heard.

A month later, he posted: “How long are we going to wait before we take these f***ers down? I cannot wait to see these creatures hang, every single one of the 650 or so MP’s must be brought to book and hanged!!!”

Reynolds described murdered MP David Ames as a “traitor” and reacted with approval to another user’s view that Thomas Mair had “rightly executed the murdered MP Jo Cox because of her alleged treason."

The court heard both of the defendants were arrested from Grayson's home address in June last year and officers executed search warrants at both of their homes. A number of electronic devices were seized. Officers found at Reynolds' home two replica assault rifles, a gas mask respirator, badges displaying what were considered to be right-wing emblems or images.

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Mr Storey said that during his interview, Reynolds said the firearms were "cheap replicas" which he intended to hang on the wall. Mr Storey said: "In relation to other questions he was asked, Reynolds either remained silent or asked the officers to explain why their questions were relevant."

The court heard Reynolds was asked about a document entitled "How to Become an Assassin" which was found on his laptop. He was also asked about other documents found on another device and told police: "It's not illegal to have books." Mr Storey said: "When he was asked about a post referring to the 'holohoax' he responded by asking what this had to do with counter terrorism. He asked the police why they considered material about Hitler as concerning, saying he was a 'bloke' from history."

The pair were released pending further investigation of their devices and were arrested again in August 2022. Mr Storey said: "Darren Peter Reynolds said to the arresting officer: 'I don't recognise your authority. Are you a constable?'"

It was said that police recovered two crossbows and a collection of crossbow bolts from Grayson's home. It was found that Reynolds had also ordered a self-loading automatic crossbow from a business in Harrogate.

Mr Storey sad: "Christine Grayson was again obstructive towards the interviewing officers, telling that she did not understand anything they said to her, that they had no authority to do what they had done to her that day, and that they had kidnapped her. She said she did not agree with 5G masts, because they hurt, harmed and injured people."

Grayson told officers that she believed 5G was a weapon, but that did not mean she was going to do something in relation to them. She told officers she would rather write to the Government about the masts, than blow them up.

Mr Storey said: "She said she did not appreciate the police barging into her house and behaving like terrorists, before calling her one...She again denied being a racist, saying she had had every creed and colour staying at her house. She later said she was not anti-immigrant, but that she did not agree with immigrants entering the country and 'diluting us.'"

Grayson told officers she stood under common law, the law of the land and said "Magna Carta said there should be English people running the country."

In his interview, the court heard, Reynolds told officers he had been "falsely arrested, kidnapped and accused of a crime he had not committed."

Mr Storey said: "After a while, he asked to leave the interview room. In a subsequent interview, he was again obstructive to the police officers and asked them 'Am I a public enemy? Am I a criminal? Do I look like a terrorist to you?' He then said that terrorists were usually Arabs, or Irishmen from the 1970s."

In further interviews, Reynolds referred to a case from 1796 and said the Police and Criminal Evidence Act did not apply to him because "he was not a criminal."

Mr Storey told the court: "He denied having encouraged anybody to be hateful in his Telegram messages. He said everything was going to pot, there were food shortages, and the world would soon look like Mad Max." It was said Reynolds later said it would end up "with there being no white people on the planet."

Later, it was said, Reynolds told police he "wanted to see proof that he had consented to being policed, that he did not recognise the police's authority and that he was not a criminal...he then said that the police were just boring the s*** out of him. He also said that he thought the police were planting evidence on his devices."

The trial continues.

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