Pet owners have shared their fury after some Yorkshire beaches have banned dogs.

If you are planning on making a family trip with your four-legged friend, it's worth checking if your dog is allowed on the sand. A number of beaches have banned dogs and taking one can result in a big fine if you aren't aware, under the Under the Dog Exclusion Order 2009.

If you are caught out, the maximum fine that could be given is £1,000. Theseasonal restrictionsare in place between May 1 and September 30 every year and include Bridlington North Beach, Bridlington South Beach, Filey, Hornsea, Sandsend, Scarborough South Bay, Scarborough North Bay, Whitby, Withernea Beach.

Read more:All the Yorkshire beaches where dogs are banned and you could face £1,000 fines

But pet owners have shared their distaste for the rule and have lashed out at the authorities over the ban.

Anna Maria Mc added: "Dogs on leads cleaner than most folk , remember lockdown and the state of the beaches." Em Peel-Rice said: "The majority of dogs are cleaner than people, at least they won't leave (or in some cases even bury) a load of food packaging on the sand."

beplay官网手机登陆安德鲁·希克林·说:“狗是被禁止的,一堆tosh, dogs are cleaner than some humans and should have the same right with a respectable owner to enjoy our beaches as much as anyone else, the fine should come into play when owners don't clean up or dogs have a rubbish recall and cause issues to others."

Christopher Pickup said: "Us, humans are worse for rubbish & waste, dirty nappies, used condoms and sewage covering Scarborough beaches. They are the worst in the U.K."

Sue Nicholson said: "This is one reason I don't go over to the east coast although I do love Whitby. I stick to the very North of Cumbria and take my dogs to Allonby beach. Very quiet, the tide goes out for miles. Very dog friendly and I have never come across a pile of doggy do do yet. Every single coat pocket is full of poo bags and I use them every time to clean up after my little pack. You can keep Scarborough."

beplay官网手机登陆伊恩·海斯补充道:“我在这个国家其他地方s becoming more and more dog friendly not only on beaches but in shops and restaurants, look at the Lake District dogs are welcome everywhere and because of this people visit in large numbers. North Yorks are the most unwelcoming people for dogs in shops and places to eat and on top of that most of their beaches.

"Strangely it’s alright to dump thousands of tonnes of human sewage into the water just of the beach which comes straight back in. At least dog owners pick their dogs poo up. We should vote with our feet and not go there and let the takings go down."

"It’s humans that mess beaches up not animals," Elizabeth Irwin said. Meanwhile Tanny Lashy said: "I don't own any dogs but I do feel there should be a rule on keeping dogs on leads while on the beach." Elain Magrath added: "Should be like that everywhere."

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