There's some sun on the cards across Yorkshire on Tuesday as temperatures remain much milder.

The Met Office forecasts sun and cloud or full sun throughout much of the region on December 20. Temperatures will be around eight degrees across Yorkshire, after the recent very cold snap.

Read on for the full forecast for Huddersfield, Bradford, Sheffield, York and Leeds.

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It's dawning cloudy on Tuesday in Huddersfield. After Monday's huge jump in temperature from the previous week, it'll cool off a little but remain milder.

There is set to be some cloud and sun from 11am until around 2pm. That's clouding off again around 3pm until the end of the day.

The day will hit a maximum temperature of eight degrees around 11am and there is little chance of rain. The sun will rise at 8.21am and set at 3.48pm.


But just slightly further north, it's dawning sunny in Bradford. That should change to sun and cloud from around 11am, lasting until about 3pm.

There is little chance of rain throughout the day. It will hit a maximum temperature of around eight degrees at 12pm.

The sun will rise at 8.22am and set at 3.47pm.


beplay官网手机登陆在谢菲尔德甚至更好,周二曙光in full sun that lasts all the way until around 1pm. That's changing to sun and cloud from 2pm, lasting until around 3pm.

Again, there's very little chance of rain. The day will hit a maximum of eight degrees around 11am.

The sun will rise at 8.19am and set at 3.48pm.


Leeds will see a brief period of sun and cloud as the day begins before having a period of full sun between 10am and 11am. Leeds is then set for sun and cloud from midday until sunset.

Again, it should stay dry. The day is set to hit a maximum of nine degrees around 1pm.

The sun will rise at 8.21am and set at 3.46pm.


And finally, York is set for the nicest weather at all. The Met Office forecasts full sun all day from sunrise until sun set.

There won't be any rain and the day is set to hit a maximum temperature of eight degrees around 11am.

The sun will rise at 8.20am and set at 3.43pm.

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