Regional bosses in South Yorkshire have greenlit plans to bring crisis-hit bus services in the region back under public control.

Council leaders have agreed to push ahead with"bus franchising", potentially bringingSouth Yorkshirein line with London where a franchise system in which a government body set the routes, timetables and fares while private companies operate the buses themselves.

It comes as regional mayor Dan Jarvis said the bus network in South Yorkshire was "in crisis", and followsa similar move in West Yorkshire.

Franchising has been in place in London for decades while the rest of the country has operated with deregulated bus markets where the private companies can decide what services to run, how much to charge and the bus timetables.

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South Yorkshire will now formally assess bus franchising for the region.

Mayor Dan Jarvis, said: “This is a big day for our region. The shortcomings of the current free-for-all bus system have become painfully clear to everyone inSouth Yorkshirebeplay官网手机登陆,我们需要确定更大的公众control would deliver the transformation we are working to achieve. This assessment will let us test that case and create the foundation to move to franchising if it is confirmed.

“There are no silver bullets – most of all, there will still be an urgent need for more investment whatever we do. But I promised to make strengthening our buses a top priority – and by putting all the options on the table, that is exactly what we are doing.”

During a meeting to discuss whether to go ahead with the plans manySouth Yorkshirecouncil leaders voiced their support for the franchising system.

The leader ofSheffield Council, Terry Fox, said the plans were a good “first step”.

What does franchising mean?

Instead of private companies having complete control, bus franchising would allow local authorities to decide bus routes, timetables and fares.

Bus companies would still run the services, but they would be contracted by councils and held accountable for their actions.

He said: “Public transport is a crucial piece within our city’s vision and our plan to get to net zero by 2030.

“We can’t be dominated by bus companies telling people where they can and can’t go.

“I know this proposal doesn’t give us control straight away and this isn’t a silver bullet but a big first step.”

The leader ofBarnsleyCouncil, Sir Steve Houghton, said deregulation "has not worked" in South Yorkshire, but warned that franchising might not be the cure-all people wanted.

He said: “Nor do I believe that even with franchising there is necessarily a solution to all our problems – the rail network is franchised and the East Coast Mainline is back in public ownership because franchising didn’t work.

“Be careful what you wish for because it might not produce the answer that you want. But I do believe we are right to take it to the next stage."

However he said that even it the process goes well it would be five to six years before the system changes - meaning leaders would have to work with bus companies in the meantime.

He added: “If it doesn’t go smoothly and we’ve seen in Greater Manchester it’s being mired in legal action from the operators, it could even be a decade."

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But both Sir Steve andDoncastermayor Ros Jones warned that the changes could not be funded by higher taxes on local people.

She said: “This has the support of the full council to come here and continue with the process of assessing the franchising scheme.

“But with all the caveats that Steve has put out there,Doncasterwill also be mirroring those concerns because we can no longer keep levying on our council tax payers and funding is going to be the crucial factor to do this and actually deliver a better service.”

The leader ofRotherhamCouncil Chris Read agreed with the proposal, and said the dergulated system had always been a silly idea.

He said: “A deregulated bus network has made as much sense in practice as anybody studying GCSE economics - anyone would have told you it is a silly market to run.

He said challenges would remain over the day-to-day cost of bus tickets and buses running on time.

“You can run regulated buses but that doesn’t mean that cars get out of the way quicker or that traffic lights work better.”

This comes after buses and Supertram services in Sheffield were given a financial lifeline after they faced a potential 50% of services being cut or scaled back.

The government has announced £150 million for services across the country as passenger numbers have remained at only 70% of pre-Covid levels.

According to the recommendation report, it could take between 12-18 months for the bus franchising assessment to be completed, at which point the combined authority will need to decide whether to go ahead with changes.

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