Parts of Yorkshire look set to get snow next week as the wintryweatherfinally makes its entrance in time for the festive period. It has so far been a largely mild and dry season but this could be set to change.

beplay官网手机登陆英国广播公司Weather has predictedsnow will hit on Fridaybeplay官网手机登陆轻尘,约克郡的部分ing alongside a gentle breeze. It is hardly flurries of thick snow but the wintry weather could kick thefestive cheerup a notch.

Next week will be dry and cool for most parts of the county, according to BBC Weather. We could see some rain on Monday but this will dry up before snowfall hits towards the end of the week.

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Wednesday and Thursday look set to be the sunniest days for most, with sunny intervals and some light winds. The weather experts have predicted that North, South and West Yorkshire will all be set for some flurries on Friday.

Below is our hour-by-hour forecast for Yorkshire on Friday, so you know exactly when snow will hit where you are...


12am: Light cloud and temperatures of -2°C.

1am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

2am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

3am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

4am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

5am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

6am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -3°C.

7am: Light snow and temperatures of -2°C.

8am: Light snow and temperatures of -2°C.

9am: Light snow and temperatures of -1°C.

10am: Light snow and temperatures of 0°C.

11am: Light snow and temperatures of 1°C.

12pm: Sunny intervals and temperatures of 1°C.

1pm: Sunny intervals and temperatures of 2°C.

2pm: Sunny intervals and temperatures of 2°C.

3pm: Sunny intervals and temperatures of 1°C.

4pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.

5pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

6pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

7pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

8pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

9pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

10pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

11pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

Parts of Yorkshire will be hit with some flurries of snow soon.
Parts of Yorkshire will be hit with some flurries of snow soon.


12am: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

1am: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

2am: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

3am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -1°C.

4am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

5am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

6am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

7am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

8am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -1°C.

9am: Light snow showers and temperatures of 0°C.

10am: Light snow showers and temperatures of 1°C.

11am: Sleet and temperatures of 2°C.

12pm: Sleet and temperatures of 3°C.

1pm: Sleet showers and temperatures of 3°C.

2pm: Sleet showers and temperatures of 3°C.

3pm: Sleet showers and temperatures of 2°C.

4pm: Light snow showers and temperatures of 1°C.

5pm: Light snow showers and temperatures of 0°C.

6pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

7pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

8pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

9pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

10pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

11pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.


12am: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

1am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -1°C.

2am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

3am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

4am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

5am: Heavy snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

6am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

7am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

8am: Light snow and temperatures of -1°C.

9am: Light snow and temperatures of 0°C.

10am: Light snow and temperatures of 1°C.

11am: Sleet and temperatures of 2°C.

12pm: Sleet and temperatures of 3°C.

1pm: Sunny intervals and temperatures of 3°C.

2pm: Sunny intervals and temperatures of 3°C.


4pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 1°C.

5pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 1°C.

6pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.

7pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.

8pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.

9pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.

10pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.

11pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.


12am: Light cloud and temperatures of -2°C.

1am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

2am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

3am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

4am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

5am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

6am: Light snow showers and temperatures of -2°C.

7am: Light snow and temperatures of -2°C.

8am: Light snow and temperatures of -1°C.

9am: Light snow and temperatures of 0°C.

10am: Light snow and temperatures of 1°C.

11am: Light snow and temperatures of 2°C.

12pm: Sunny intervals and temperatures of 3°C.

1pm: Sunny intervals and temperatures of 3°C.

2pm: Sunny intervals and temperatures of 3°C.


4pm: Partly cloudy and temperatures of 1°C.

5pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 1°C.

6pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.

7pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.

8pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.

9pm: Light cloud and temperatures of 0°C.

10pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

11pm: Light cloud and temperatures of -1°C.

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