The Government's new controversial scheme to give one million smokers a freevape, in a bid to help people cut down onsmoking,has divided residents across Yorkshire.

Under a pioneering new "swap to stop" scheme, designed to improve the health of the nation and cut smoking rates, the Government is giving out a free vape kit to one million smokers in the UK. Pregnant women will also be offered up to £400 to stop smoking.

As part of the world-first national scheme, almost one in five of all smokers in England will be provided with a 'vape starter kit' to help them quit the habit. It is part of the G18beplay官网 's plans to meet its ambition of being smoke free by 2030.

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The move seems to have divided Yorkshire Live readers. Some claim vaping could be the next crisis to hit the country, while others claim it gives the wrong impression to children by encouraging vaping.

Many have also raised concerns about the unknown health risks from vaping. Facebook user Natalie Gee said: "Next generation of issues will be from vaping! I get it’s slightly better than smoking but the message it’s giving to school kids is that vaping is OK.

Cigarettes stock image cigarette tobacco smoking Source: PIXABAY

"The marketing and whole system around vaping needs to be tighter controlled just like with cigarettes and no advertising and better warnings on vaping. Instead shops have flavours and marketing pushed towards younger generations!"

Pat Gelder said: "All the people I know on vapes have it tied around their neck puffing on it every two minutes. I go outside for a cig roughly every two hours depending on the job I'm doing. No one knows long-term after effects of vapes either."

Linda Clutton said: "I thought vaping was also problematic. Just quit smoking."

Courtney Lynch said: "At least people know the risks when smoking .. nobody knows what vaping is going to do to your body later in life, yet it’s “healthier” than smoking and being pushed by midwife’s and doctors. I was just a walking headache when I switched to vaping. Awful stuff."

Others have claimed that if people wanted to stop smoking they would do it for free, like millions of other ex-smokers across the country. Many have also said that tax payer's money should be spent on other necessities such as health care.

Gina Nickerson said: "What is up with our government? Give out free to stop people smoking!!! If they really want to stop then they will there is already support out there. If your pregnant then as a mother your child comes first not £400.

"We have our own homeless people out there, hungry kids, People demonstrating for higher wages. But, no. Let's give to those who could help themselves. If they can pay #### for cigarettes then they don't need £400."

Caroline Sutcliffe suggested: "A better idea tell them to stop smoking. Millions of people have done it without having handouts from the government, i.e taxpayer's money."

beplay官网手机登陆黛安娜Woffindin说:“也许这钱将better spent on junior Doctors…to benefit us all…." Terri Ward wrote: "Maybe help to feed those struggling with the cost of living, smoking is an option and expensive option... People starving isn't!"

However others have called for smoking to be made illegal. Brenda Thwellis said: "If they’re so bad for health why don’t the government make them illegal? No they won’t because they make too much tax revenue. Personally I don’t think they should be giving out free gifts."

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