beplay官网手机登陆米oors murderer Ian Brady claimed his will contained 'special instructions' for finding the remains of victim Keith Bennett.

Brady, who with Myra Hindley murdered five children in the 1960s, made the claim in a chilling letter sent to Keith's brother Alan Bennett. The body of Keith, who disappeared from his Manchester home aged 12 in 1964, has never been found.

It is believed Keith's body is buried on Saddleworth Moor, which lies betweenHuddersfieldand Manchester. His body has never been found but on September 2022,Greater Manchester Police anounced a breakthroughafter a skull matching Keith's description was found on Saddleworth Moor. Police are now searching the area with a noticeable presence on the Moor.

Read more:Police dig for Moors murders victim Keith Bennett as skull found 58 years later - live updates

In a letter sent to Alan in 1991, Brady advises Keith's brother to 'stop searching until matters are resolved'.

But in the letter Brady, who died in May 2017, also claims his will contains 'special instructions for you (Alan) alone.' Alan told thebeplay官网手机登陆米anchester Evening Newshe was, at the time, hopeful the contents of the letter would lead to Keith. But Alan believes the letter could have been part of a twisted game that unrepentant Brady was playing.

The letter from Brady read: "I again advise you to stop searching until matters are resolved. My will contains special instructions for you alone. My time is almost over. Sincerely, Ian Brady."

Keith Bennett's body has never been found - but on September 30, police announced a breakthrough after discovering a skull matching Keith's description on Saddleworth Moor
Keith Bennett's body has never been found - but on September 30, police announced a breakthrough after discovering a skull matching Keith's description on Saddleworth Moor

Alan said: "It would be another 26 years after he sent that letter before he died. At the time we were hopeful that it might lead to Keith. I wrote to him several times and at one point asked if he would correspond with John Stalker (former assistant chief constable) after he left GMP (Greater Manchester Police), so that information could be passed that way. But Brady would change the subject, and nothing came of it."

Alan wonders if the 'special instructions' might be in two locked briefcases held by Brady's solicitor. He believes they could contain clues as to the exact spot that Brady and Myra Hindley buried Keith, after abducting and killing him in 1964.

But, as reported in the MEN, Brady's solicitor Robin Makin has refused to give the cases to Cold Case Unit officers from GMP. Just before his death in May 2017, Brady requested the two combination-locked cases be put in secure storage.

It has now emerged officers went to court for a search warrant to open the cases to check them for clues. But a district judge refused the application, stating there was no prospect of an investigation leading to a prosecution as both killers were dead.

The Moors murders were carried out by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley between July 1963 and October 1965. The victims were five children aged between 10 and 17, Pauline Reade, John Kilbride, Keith Bennett, Lesley Ann Downey and Edward Evans
The Moors murders were carried out by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley between July 1963 and October 1965. The victims were five children aged between 10 and 17, Pauline Reade, John Kilbride, Keith Bennett, Lesley Ann Downey and Edward Evans

Alan, 62, said: "There is a desperate need to look for anything that may help in the recovery of Keith’s body and there may be something in those cases. We cannot be sure be we need to know for sure – one way or another.

"During my correspondence with Brady many years ago he stated that he had left instructions in his will for me alone. He did not give any further detail but it was at a time when I was searching on the moor and asking him about routes taken, areas of the moor, landmarks etc.

"The refusal by Mr Makin to help any further is a great cause of distress considering that my brother’s body still remains on the moor while all the other victims have been returned to their loved ones for a proper burial."

Alan spent the best part of decade searching Saddleworth Moor himself around Shiny Brook stream with a team of helpers digging through peat for Keith's remains. His and Keith's mother, Winnie Johnson, who died in 2012, also visited the moors in a vain search.

Jonathan Reynolds, the MP for Hyde, earlier said: "Greater Manchester Police believe that there’s a possibility, I’ll say no more than that, that there is something of interest to them in those possessions.

"The historic correspondence with the family appear to validate that. So, isn’t the best way forwards for the police to be given access to those possessions so they can settle the issue once and for all? What the Bennetts have been through is unconscionable if we can make things a tiny bit better, surely that’s the right thing to do.”

The Moors murders victims: (from left) Lesley Ann Downey, 10; John Kilbride, 12; Edward Evans, 17; Keith Bennett, 12; and Pauline Reade, 16.
The Moors murders victims: (from left) Lesley Ann Downey, 10; John Kilbride, 12; Edward Evans, 17; Keith Bennett, 12; and Pauline Reade, 16.

beplay官网手机登陆米r Makin, of E Rex Makin & Co Solicitors in Liverpool, declined to comment on Alan's plea to hand over the briefcases to GMP.

But speaking after Brady's death in 2017, Mr Makin said: "If Keith Bennett's body was going to be found with his assistance that would have happened in the 1980s and I just don't think he had any really compelling new information about where his body was located that would have assisted in finding it. I may be wrong, but that's my view."

He also told Granada Reports: “The will does not contain any instructions for Alan Bennett or contain anything that could be given to him that would now identify where Keith Bennett’s body was buried.”

But it is understood Brady made more than one will. Keith was one of five children murdered by Brady and Hindlley between 1963 and 1965.

He was 12-years-old when he set out on his way to his grandmother's house in Longsight on June 16, 1964. Keith's mum, Winnie Johnson, waved him off as he crossed Eston Street. She would never see him again.

A short time later, just off Stockport Road, Hindley wound down the window of her new Mini and asked Keith if he would mind giving her a hand with some boxes. Brady was sitting in the back of the car.

In 1986 after Hindley and Brady had confessed for the first time to killing Keith and Pauline Reade, a new search of the moors was carried out by GMP. The body of Pauline, who was 16 when she was killed in 1963, was found on July 1, 1987. But after Pauline's remains were found the search for Keith's was stopped.

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