Business partners at a Huddersfield firm are selflessly offering to repair children's broken beds in time forChristmas- and they are doing it for free.

Bianca Mannion, 29, and Ronald Lane, 41, own R & B Mobile Upholstery Repairs onManchester Road,which was launched during thecoronaviruspandemic. Bianca, fromNewsome, said the pair have received massive support from businesses and the local community since starting the business and now feel it is their duty to 'give something back'.

In a selfless gesture to help those struggling financially in the lead up to Christmas duringthe cost of living crisis,Bianca and Ronald are offering to help families whose children are currently sleeping on a broken bed.

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The idea for the initiative came after the firm auctioned off its 'Harry Potter chair' for charity on Saturday (October 29). "One parent contacted us [after the auction] and was quite upset," said Bianca. "She did not think she could manage Christmas and also making sure her child was not sleeping on a broken bed.

"We have had a lot of messages since - there are a lot of people in this situation. Local, single mums and dads have contacted us asking for help. They are struggling with Christmas and the cost of living while maintaining 'normal' things for their children.

"No child should be sleeping on a broken bed this Christmas, and no parent should be having to choose between providing a bed or a present for their child. We are going to make sure this doesn’t happen here."

A poster explaining the offer is currently on display at the firm's base. It reads: "Is your child sleeping on a broken bed? One of our elves can come out and fix it! Just call in or call us! All upholstery will be home for Christmas."

Bianca said the offer is not restricted to families in Huddersfield as both herself and Ronald have links to Leeds andBradford. They are now asking local businesses to donate materials for the repairs after forking out for wood and fabric themselves.

"We know what it's like as we both have families ourselves and we want to help make a difference over Christmas," Bianca said. To contact R & B Mobile Upholstery Repairs call Bianca on 07859 016 165, or visit their workshop at 212 Manchester Road, HD1 3JF.

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