A pub's newest regular - a soft-bellied pig called Scratch - may squeal with excitement at the prospect of a pint but he turns up his snout at pork scratchings.

The pig is now a popular and familiar sight at The Waggon and Horses,Outlane, after its owner Drew, a former livestock driver and now a fabricator/mechanic, who lives up the road began taking him in there on a night He said: "Everyone has really taken to him and he gets any leftovers that are going. He is really domesticated and lives with me in my home up the road.

"If he falls asleep on the settee I don't get a look in! He is fully grown almost and gets on very well with everyone. He enjoys a treat of fish and chips on a Friday but there's one food he doesn't care for and that's Pork Scratchings. I joke that if it had been a girl I would have named her Barbieque!"

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Landlord Paul Terry, known universally as 'Tez' joked: "He gets fed better than us. He is the pub pig," while regular Dulcie added: "I love him. I have seen him in here for months. Everybody loves him and he is just part of the furniture now."

Scatch, a domesticated pig, enjoying rooting around at The Waggon and Horses pub, Outlane
Scatch, a domesticated pig, enjoying rooting around at The Waggon and Horses pub, Outlane

Dr Stuart Oliver who lives nearby and pops in occasionally, said: "There's plenty of dogs in there as it's a very rural-type pub so I'm looking forward to making Scratch's acquaintance."

And Mick O'Brien, a writer from Bradford, who pops in now and again while walking in the area said: "I can't wait to meet Scratch. He sounds like quite a character."

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