He was branded a "sexual deviant" who had the potential to become a serial killer, according to psychiatrists.

Porn-obsessed pervert Jamie Reynolds was handed a rare whole life tariff for murdering 17-year-old policeman's daughter Georgia Williams - meaning he will never be allowed out of prison, reported to bebeplay官网手机登陆韦克菲尔德的怪物nsion' high-security jail.

Psychiatrists who examined the sick and depraved 23-year-old said if he had not been caught he could have “progressed to become a serial killer”.

Read more:beplay官网手机登陆怪物的豪宅的连环杀手科林爱尔兰人hunted down men to torture then slept with their bodies

A court was told that Reynolds, a shop worker, spent five months writing a twisted tale about murdering Georgia, a talented head girl, and then carried out the killing just as he had described.

Reynolds, from Wellington in Telford, Shropshire, built a terrifying “hanging mechanism” in the loft hatch of his parents’ neat semi-detached home and lured her there for a fake photoshoot.

The unsuspecting A-Level student agreed to pose for pal Reynolds while wearing lipstick, stilettos and leather shorts he had bought on the internet.

Georgia Williams

In a chilling snap found by police, Georgia could be seen grinning at the camera with a noose around her neck on the landing of the house.

Just seconds later Reynolds throttled the detective’s daughter with the rope before hanging her from the noose in order to fulfil sick fantasies which had been fuelled by his obsession with violent pornography.

The depraved shop worker then repeatedly had sex with her corpse in various rooms of the house including on his parents’ bed.

Reynolds, who was obsessed with redheads and snuff movies, also took horrific photographs of her naked body and removed her jewellery to keep as sick “trophies”. After the murder, he chillingly texted Georgia’s worried mum using her own mobile claiming she was staying at a friend’s house.

Details of the murder emerged as Reynolds was sentenced in December 2013 when he became the 46th person to be handed a whole-life term and one of the youngest in history.

Court artist sketch by Elizabeth Cook of Jamie Reynolds

The judge, Mr Justice Wilkie, said he will never be freed because he remains a “grave risk” to women - and agreed that he could have become a serial killer.

He said: “Georgia would not have died instantly but would have suffered horribly both mentally and physically, knowing she had been betrayed by someone whom she had trusted and into whose power she had given himself.

“Killing Georgia was an expression of a long-standing, recurrent preoccupation with violent, sadistic pornography.

“You enjoyed the spectacle of her final, ghastly minutes as she struggled for life knowing that she was facing death.”

Reynolds sat with his head bowed as Georgia’s parents, Steve and Lynnette and sister Scarlett heard how she was lured to her death.

It was revealed Reynolds had previously attacked another 17-year-old at his parents’ home in 2008 - only to escape with a “final warning” from police.

Jamie Reynolds police photo

Prosecutor David Crigman QC told Stafford Crown Court Georgia’s killing was a “scripted, sadistic and sexually-motivated murder”.

He said Reynolds, who admitted murder, fantasised about watching women die for voyeuristic and sexual reasons.

He sent dozens of texts to Georgia - described as his “primary target” - in the months leading up to her death asking to go on dates.

She turned down Reynolds’ advances, saying she was not interested and did not want to spoil their friendship.

But unbeknown to Georgia, he was already secretly penning his sick story about how he was going to lure the RAF cadet to his home and kill her.

He started writing the script, called ‘Georgia Williams in Suprise (sic)’, in January and finished it just three weeks before the murder.

Steven and Lynette Williams show their emotion at a tribute to their daughter

Describing her hanging from the rope, he wrote: “I can’t wait to see you dance for me. I like my girls dead. That was a quality show babe.”

He eventually lured Georgia to his home in Wellington, Shrops, in May this year while his parents were on a Bank Holiday trip to Italy.

Detectives believe Reynolds deliberately tightened the noose around Georgia’s neck before kicking the box from under her feet.

He eventually put Georgia’s body in the back of his stepdad’s white van and drove to Wrexham where he dumped it in remote woodland.

Detectives launched a massive manhunt and eventually tracked Reynolds down to a Premier Inn hotel room in Glasgow.

Her remains were discovered two days later by a horrified walker close to the Nant-y-Garth pass near Wrexham.

Newspaper headline following the court case

beplay官网手机登陆当雷诺警察discove被捕red 16,800 images and 72 videos of extreme pornography on his computer.

They included digitally-doctored images of up to eight other women he personally knew in which ropes had been added around their necks.

In a victim impact statement, Georgia’s dad - a detective with West Mercia Police - described how his family’s life had been destroyed by her murder.

He said: “Evil took Georgia away from her family and numerous people that loved her.

“We all lost a truly wonderful person on that evening.

“We still exist but that’s all it is. It’s not life anymore.

“Words are used like devastated and crushed, they use them to describe impacts such as this.

“But there are none yet written that can truly convey to others what it is like, what it is really like to lose your precious daughter.

Georgia Williams

“I’m not ashamed to say I cry endlessly from morning to night.

“We have been damned by evil to endure this sorrow and misery to the end of our natural lives.

“We miss the sweet smile, the hugs and kisses and her infectious personality.

“Georgia’s life was taken for a few moments of evil self-gratification

“The guilty plea didn’t stop us having to hear and see things that no parent, in fact no person should ever have to experience.

“We have been told about details of the case that are upsetting, horrific and beyond comprehension.

“Any day when we have to hear evidence of what happened to Georgia leaves us totally and utterly destroyed.”

In 2014 Reynolds lost his appeal against his whole-life sentence. He appeared by video link fromWakefield jailto appeal to overturn his lifelong imprisonment sentence.

His lawyer said his guilty plea should have been given more weight during sentencing.

The Court of Appeal ruled there was "no basis on which it can properly be argued that a whole-life order was not required".

In 2015 a serious case review was critical of police officers, children's services staff and mental health workers over their dealings with Reynolds.

Georgia Williams

The review said agencies had failed to work together when Reynolds had come to the notice of police and others five years before the killing when he had attempted to strangle another girl after he had invited her to his house.

The girl fought back and escaped, with Reynolds receiving only a warning from police. A mental health nurse who visited Reynolds at home was assessed as posing a 'significant risk' to others after Reynolds' parents had shown the nurse pictures of schoolgirls that the teenager had drawn nooses around their necks.

The serious case review concluded that the approach to the case had been "confused and uncoordinated".

Georgia's parents said they wept when they read the serious case review.

They told one newspaper: "Having lost Georgia to pure evil, we cried when we read this report and the failings of all agencies involved, because it was so obvious that Reynolds was, if not one already, a murderer in the making. Georgia’s death could have been prevented."

West Mercia Police apologised to Georgia's family.