Employers are being reminded about their health and safety responsibilities to staff as the UK swelters in an extreme hot spell. The whole country is set to feel the heat over the next couple of days.

The Met Office has issued its first-ever ‘Red Extreme’ heat warning, when experts say there is a high chance of the mercury reaching a record 40C somewhere in the UK. Comfort Nkang, Employment Practice Leader at corporate law firmLegalVision, says bosses have a responsibility to make sure their workers are safe in such unprecedented conditions.

Comfort said: “In the UK, there are no laws defining when it’s too hot to work or maximum working temperatures. However, health and safety rules state that employers should provide a reasonable temperature in the workplace. Staff who feel they are not working in a comfortable environment should speak to their bosses.

“During the intense weather we are having, employers could allow staff to work from home or relax uniform rules or formal dress codes. If working in an office without an air conditioner, employers could also look at opening windows, providing fans, or changing layouts to ensure workstations are away from direct sunlight or pieces of equipment which give off heat.

“Working hours could also be temporarily changed, depending on the nature of the business, allowing staff to start work earlier or later in the day so they can avoid working or commuting during the hottest times. If you are an employer who currently has staff working from home, their work environment should also be re-assessed to ensure they are safe.

“As an employer, it’s important to know the health and safety rules, show common sense and be flexible.You should also look at reasonable adjustments for staff who might need extra help, such as pregnant women or those with health conditions.”

If a number of employees complain about workplace temperatures, a risk assessment should be carried out and measures put in place to address the issues. Last week, the TUC called for a change in the law so that the legal maximum temperature when an employer must take action is 30C, and 27C for workers doing strenuous work. The TUC recommends that employers should still attempt to reduce temperatures if they get above 24C and workers feel uncomfortable.

They also said employers should be obliged to provide outside workers, such as construction workers, with drinking water and sun protection. It came on the back of the UK Health Security Agency issuing a level 4 heat-health alert for much of England.