2021 was supposed to be Danny Grant’s big breakout year. Having earned a big move across the Irish sea to go from semi-pro football on top of his university studies to being a full-time professional in the Championship, the world seemingly lay at the winger’s feet.

It did not work out that way. A hamstring injury suffered the day before he was set to make hisHuddersfield Towndebut in the FA Cup less than two weeks after joining the club meant months of working to come back to fitness...only for his other hamstring to go in a freak landing in his first game back for the youth team.

Having then pushed through rehab to return once more, the Irish under-21 international was hit with an especially bad bout of covid, the side-effects of which producedconcerns around inflammation around his heartand meant Grant missed the entirety ofCarlos Corberan’spre-season preparations.

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Understandably, then, Town have been extra-cautious about ensuring they do not give Grant too much to do too soon, with his training plan since the start of the season planned around a potential return around Christmas.

That appears to be on track, with his recent increasingly lengthy B-team appearances supplemented by having been the spare outfielder taken to Barnsley on Saturday afternoon in case anybody had been forced to pull out during the warm-up.

That wait to actually be included in a first-team matchday squad remains ongoing, but all indications are that Grant is getting closer and closer by the day.

beplay官网手机登陆65分钟的露面对Mi B团队ddlesbrough was not only his longest spell on the pitch since arriving at Town; he was also the most eye-catching player on the pitch even as both sides fielded a number of first-team players and Boro ran out 1-5 winners.

beplay官网手机登陆玩了左翼就乔丹罗兹,Grant hit the woodwork three times after constantly working his way into good goalscoring positions either through reading how attacking situations might unfold or by using his close control to cut inside and run at defenders.

Clearly, there is still a little bit of rust on his finishing – but less than you might expect after nearly a year with practically no football.

It was that positioning that particularly caught the eye. Lewis O’Brien explained before the last international break that the feeling on the training pitch was that Town’s attacks left something to be desired in that regard, and that they needed to work on ways to find themselves in the right place at the right time in and around the box.

Our feeling from scouting him after Town’s interest emerged last year was that Grant appears to have a natural instinct for that, and what we saw at Canalside on Tuesday afternoon only supported that.

It’s quite another thing to do it in the Championship, of course, and that step up – whenever it comes – will present Grant with a whole new set of challenges that may not be easy to overcome.

Then again, we have seen with Karlan Grant, Josh Koroma and Sorba Thomas over recent years that being an untested, unpredictable and unknown quantity can be turned to a forward’s advantage in a sport increasingly interested in pre-match analytics – for a short time, at the very least.

After the year he has just had, the last thing we want is for Danny Grant to be rushed into anything he is not ready for. But if Town feel his fitness can hold up to it, Carlos Corberan may well have an intriguing new attacking weapon to add to his arsenal just as he needs it most.