Yorkshire is Britain's biggest county by some margin and this vast shire – so bigthe Vikings split it into three Ridings– is as varied as it is large.

It has sprawling flatlands to the south and east, wide valleys and high fells to the north and west, wolds and plateaus in between and steep cliffs towering above the North Sea on its fringes. Yorkshire is rural and urban, industrial and agricultural and everything in between.

One thing that unites each of Yorkshire's 14,850 square kilometres is its weather, which isn't always cold and wet, and its people. And while the image of a dour, flat-capped race is outdated, Tykes are still a proud bunch who like to wax lyrical about their county.

Read more:21 Yorkshire towns and villages you should visit at least once

Quite right, too. Everywhere in Yorkshire has something or someone to be proud of, even the places you'd only visit on business.

But which part of God's Own Country suits you best? Try our little quiz below and see where you belong whether it'sLeeds,Sheffield,Bradford, Huddersfield, theYorkshire CoastorNorth Yorkshire.